I Am An Online Dating Profile Writer And These Are Some Of My Favorite Hinge Prompts


Creating online dating profiles is all about provoking curiosity. You want people to be curious about you. You want them to be interested so they reach out to learn more, or respond in-kind when you reach out first.

If you want to send good vibes through your online dating profile, then pick prompts that will do this for you.

Before writing your online dating profile, think about the answers to these questions.

  • What are your favorite things about yourself? 
  • What do you enjoy talking about? 
  • What are your goals for the future? 
  • What about yourself makes you proud?
  • How does your day to day usually look?

Apply this insight to how you choose and answer the prompts. 

Hinge gives you three prompts. And, I suggest using one of those props to talk about what you’re looking for in another person.

Below are a few of  my favorite Hinge Prompts and I’ve found they work with almost everybody. 


My Simple Pleasures

If you choose this one, make sure not to take the boring route.

It’s tempting to pick this prompt and make a la-dee-da list of things you consider a simplicity in your life.  

Such As: my morning coffee, a walk on the beach, playing with my dog, licking the cookie dough batter off the mixer,  etc.


Typically, simple pleasures are things that ground us. They are things that remind us that life doesn’t always have to be flashy to be great. They are the things that distract us from the trials and tribulations of life. Share how you experience that.

Use this prompt to send along your chill vibes.


My Simple Pleasure

The sound my remote control airplane makes as it whizzes by my head. I’ll crack a smile every time.

Long coastal drives on a Sunday morning, letting the road lead the way (after a stop for my favorite cold brew.)

Hosting my favorite people and cooking one of my signature dishes – always paired with the perfect wine. 

Building model cars. It teaches me patience, attention to detail and I love feeling a sense of accomplishment. 

Being out on my boat on a hot summer’s day becoming mesmerized. By the way, the sun sparkles in the water.


What If I Told You That

This one is a great opportunity to present a quirky vulnerability. You can also use it as an opportunity to present the good, genuine side to you.


What If I Told You That

I wear pasty white sunscreen with pride? Skin care is important to me.

I’m always on time? I’m obsessed with the Texas Longhorns, and I read to escape the world.

I mix my ketchup in mustard. The most tame of my unusual food quirks. Some of the looks I get are priceless.

Nothing beats weekend hikes with the kids soaking in the fresh air and spotting birds. I’ve become a weather app superuser.


We’ll get along if 

Every profile should include something about what you are looking for, or what you are hoping to find. You want to share insight on how you would describe the person you consider the ideal partner for you. This could be specific traits or it could be an indication of what your intentions are.


We’ll Get Along If

You’re grounded, self-assured and have interests and passions of your own.

You value personal growth and learning new things; if you’re open-minded, fun-loving and have a sense of adventure.

You’re excited about future travels, you appreciate on-time arrivals and a down-to-earth outlook on life. 

You also appreciate routine and the simple things in life. I love exploring the world through travel, but a leisurely stroll with my dog will also suffice.

You also take the casual approach to dating. I’m all about the hustle right now, but would also like to see myself taking root with the right partner. I’ve got my eye on the prize. 



Don’t be shy. Tell it how it is.

Most of us are looking for a genuine connection. We are looking for somebody who gets us.

In order to find the person who gets us, we have to dig a little deeper beyond the surface level.

What your favorite TV show, what you like to do on the weekends, your hobbies — all that sort of stuff is well and good. It does say a lot about you.

But, what passions burn in your soul? Put some of it out there. Tell a story. Share who you are underneath it all.



Follow Me on Instagram and Threads: @hiddengemprofiles.com


See lots more writing tips and samples.


Order my book from Amazon: How To Write A Great Online Dating Profile.

Within, you will find my best tips and strategies, including dos and don’ts, before and after examples, and a template to follow. There is also advice on which photos to choose and how to craft email messages. You will also find full written samples and a questionnaire to use for idea generation.


Also: The Mindful Dating Path.

I designed this dating journal to help you process thoughts and feelings as they relate to who you are deciding to spend time with. This journal is a mix of guided prompts and plenty of free flow. You may want to view it as a mix of a plain journal and an interactive workbook. The prompts are recurrent based on Date 1, Date 2, Date 3 and more.


If you are someone thinking about trying online dating or giving it another go with a different approach, check out the Packages and Pricing Page and start dating with a great online dating profile.

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