Want To Write An Intriguing Online Dating Profile?


The goal of your online dating profile is to start conversations.

How do you do this? You create intrigue and elicit curiosity.

If you’ve read Art of Seduction* by Robert Greene, you learned that mystery is one of human nature’s greatest temptations. 

Entice people into wanting to make a connection.

You want potential dates to ask you questions of curiosity because they are interested in hearing more.

Use intrigue in your writing to create a hook, use intrigue in your writing in order to leave them wanting more.


Basic Rules Of Thumb


  • Follow a “less-is-more” rule. Say a little bit, but not too much. Be specific but obscure.  
    • Thinking of your online dating profile as a series of headlines will help give you a picture of what I mean. Yes, you are a human being, not ad copy. However, egos aside, remember you will have plenty of time to share all the details of your story once conversations get going. 


  • Pick topics you enjoy talking about. 
    • Pick topics that bring out the most passionate side of you, the side of you that you are most confident about, the side of you that radiates your enthusiasm.

Areas and Topics You Can Add Intrigue



Instead of stretching out a long list of all your interests, passions and hobbies, you want summarize.

My bucket list is a blend of adrenaline spikes and soothing spa retreat getaways.


I have an eclectic array of hobbies that keep me busy and active. I’m young at heart and I like to stay fit and healthy.


I’m excited for lots more travel in my future and visiting all the places I’ve always wanted to go. 


I’m active in a few different sports, but Jujitsu is what really grounds my soul. 


Oftentimes, feelings are the level two people make a genuine connection. We relate strongly to feelings, and it’s easy to talk to people we suspect feel the same way as we do.

I live a balanced lifestyle, focusing on my career but also on the people and things I love the most. 


They say if you do what you love you never have to work a day in your life. I’m grateful to say this is true for me.


I have a big boisterous family and there’s never a dull moment when we get together. 


I’ve been fortunate to have traveled to some amazing places and I’m excited to still see all the places I’ve always wanted to go.

Humble Bragging And Bold Statements


Bold statements are intriguing because you are challenging your reader to explore the truth behind your words. Humble bragging relays charm while also challenging you to live up to your words. 

I work hard for my career goals and I’m motivated to succeed at new ones.


I have an eclectic career background and I’ve learned many talents along the way. I am goal-oriented and I love the feeling of accomplishment.


I’m a pretty good cook and I have a few favorite dishes I’m not too shy to brag about. 


I have a warm, compassionate nature and I like to pay it forward by volunteering my time.

In Conclusion

Online dating profiles are content, such as anything else we publish online. It’s important to care about your personal branding and putting your best foot forward. For more tips like visit The How-Tos.


Follow Me on Instagram and Threads: @hiddengemprofiles.com


Order my book from Amazon: How To Write A Great Online Dating Profile.

Within, you will find my best tips and strategies, including dos and don’ts, before and after examples, and a template to follow. There is also advice on which photos to choose and how to craft email messages. You will also find full written samples and a questionnaire to use for idea generation.


Also: The Mindful Dating Path.

I designed this dating journal to help you process thoughts and feelings as they relate to who you are deciding to spend time with. This journal is a mix of guided prompts and plenty of free flow. You may want to view it as a mix of a plain journal and an interactive workbook. The prompts are recurrent based on Date 1, Date 2, Date 3 and more.

If you are someone thinking about trying online dating or giving it another go with a different approach, check out the Packages and Pricing Page and start dating with a great online dating profile.

*Affiliate Link. Your purchase price is the same and I receive a small commission. I’m proud of the books I’ve read and how they have helped me learn and grown as I person. I enjoy sharing the wealth. This also helps me keep my posts ad free. Kindly yours, Lydia.

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