by Lydia | Dec 6, 2023 | Books, Featured, Online Dating, Relationships
How Do You Decide What Is And What Is Not A Red Flag? When online dating we often have criteria in mind when approaching who we are interested in. The criteria we use to decide whether or not to swipe left or right. Or ultimately, who to go out on a date with...
by Aja Becker | Nov 25, 2023 | Featured, Online Dating, Psychology, Relationships
What do you talk about on a first date? You Made It So you matched, you chatted, you planned and now you’re here. Sitting across from each other at a cafe or restaurant or bowling alley. You already know what the other does for a living, where they are...
by Lydia | Nov 18, 2023 | Featured, Online Dating, Profile Excerpts, The How-Tos, Writing
Writing Your Online Dating Profile? Are you new to online dating and struggling with all the dos and don’ts of what to write? Or, maybe you’ve been online dating for a while and not getting the traction you hoped for? When online dating, your profile is the one...
by Aja Becker | Nov 15, 2023 | Dating Coach Interviews, Featured, Online Dating, Personal Branding, Psychology, Relationships
“Should I get a dating coach?” If online dating hasn’t panned out the way you thought it would, if you’re overwhelmed by the barrage of profiles, or even if you’re just someone that likes to go into things prepared– there’s a chance hiring a dating...
by Aja Becker | Nov 7, 2023 | Featured, Online Dating, Relationships, Uncategorized, Writing
Best OKCupid Prompts: Which to Pick and How to Use Them How do you choose your best prompts? Which answers show the best parts of yourself? Here is your extensive guide to how to make the most of your OKCupid profile, complete with examples. What is...
by Aja Becker | Oct 29, 2023 | Featured, Online Dating, Psychology
Save Time When Online Dating While some find success easier than others, there’s no denying that online dating is a commitment. People pour time, energy, and emotional labor into finding a partner. It can be draining. It can be discouraging. And while there’s...