by Aja Becker | Sep 1, 2023 | Writing
Want To Write For Us? Are you a writer with knowledge or expertise in the realm of online dating? Do you have some advice, idea or insight that you want to share with the world? Do you have an online dating anecdote that others could learn from? Who We...
by Aja Becker | Aug 21, 2023 | Featured, Profile Excerpts, Writing
Which Hinge Prompts to Pick and How to Use Them How do you choose your Hinge prompts? Which answers show the best parts of yourself? Here is your extensive guide to how to make the most of your hinge profile, complete with examples. What Makes Hinge Different? ...
by Aja Becker | Aug 11, 2023 | Online Dating, Relationships
What’s The Best Online Dating Site? Which dating site should I use? Do different sites have different purposes? How can you use online dating most efficiently? As a profile writer, I get asked the above questions regularly. It’s true I have as much experience...
by Aja Becker | Jul 27, 2023 | Online Dating
How many messages before it’s normal to meet up? I was recently asked this question by a client who was at the beginning of her online dating journey. While the point of online dating is to eventually meet in person, the timeline of when that should happen is...
by Aja Becker | Jul 15, 2023 | Online Dating, Psychology
Sometimes, when online dating we can caught up in the mundane and forget to take dating seriously. One time I received a beautiful message on an online dating platform: “Hi Vanessa, I hope this isn’t too forward, but I was immediately enchanted by your profile. Apart...