“If You Always Do What You’ve Always Done, You’ll Always Get What You’ve Always Got.” ~ Henry Ford

Like many quotes, this one is simple yet powerful.

Think about it.

The premise is if you want something different out of your life you have to put something different into it. If we keep doing the same thing, we’ll keep getting the same thing.

Many of us, at times, play the woe is me card. Whatever it is. School, work, relationships, dating, etc.

We complain about things that are actually in our control. And, sometimes we stay in a situation, even if we don’t like it, just because it’s what’s comfortable. It’s what we are used to, it doesn’t require learning, it doesn’t require stepping out of our comfort zone.

This quote symbolizes stepping out of our comfort zone. Do something different and obtain something different. Do something uncomfortable, taking a new leap of faith, experimenting with risk.

How often do we wish for something and hope it will magically appear?

We want a promotion without really doing the necessary work, we want to lose 20 pounds without evaluating our habits, we want the love of our life to show up on a white horse and ride us into the sunset without “getting out there” to be found by this person.

The reality is we have to work at it/for it. Sometimes that work is listening to ourselves, paying attention to what our gut is telling us. Sometimes we must take a risk, something that makes us nervous or afraid. Sometimes we have to stop hemming and hawing and commit to a decision.

In regard to online dating: It can be scary and intimidating. Especially if you are older and online dating didn’t exist when you first started dating and was not how you initially learned how to incorporate meeting people into your lifestyle.

Does that mean you can’t now? Times have changed. It’s ok to grow and evolve with the times. Even if it’s scary and makes you uncomfortable.

If you’ve tried other methods of meeting someone and it hasn’t worked for you, maybe online dating is worth giving a chance.

There are also other ways you can look at this quote in regard to dating.  Are you not really give yourself a chance, or giving your (potential) date a chance? Do you need to reanalyze your “type?” Do you judge too quickly? Do you come up with excuses? Do you find yourself more comfortable at home alone in your jammies rather than putting yourself out there and meeting someone new?

Changing your perspective is also a way to not do the same thing you’ve always done. Looking at a situation in a new and different way may help you act in a new and different way, resulting is a more desired outcome.

Something else to keep in mind: If something still doesn’t work out for you, you can try again. The world is your oyster if you want it to be. All it takes in a new mindset and a change in behavior. It might take trial and error; you might not get what you want right off the bat.

Over the years I have read several books related to this subject. Like everyone else, I’ve gone through struggles at various points in my life and sought guidance to help me through it.

About 10 years ago, I’d reached a low point and was having the toughest time getting out of it. I came across the book, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, and it literally snapped me out of my rut. I “woke up,” regained my focus and essentially became happier. She teaches you that we get out of life what we put in, and that we are in charge of our own destiny.

The series of books by Rhonda Byrne are also extremely helpful. Her books are practical and useful guides to helping us understand how to tap into the power of our thoughts. If you are interested in manifestation, these books are a great beginning to lay the foundation of understanding how manifestation works and a guide to get started.

Just recently I finished The Laws Of Human Nature by Robert Greene. OBSESSED. I listened to this book on audible and I also bought the paperback copy so that I can go back, reread, and take notes. Nothing I’ve ever read before has given me better understanding and insight into myself and those who are in my life.

There are 18 laws of human nature that we all possess. Robert Greene describes each in a straight-forward way that’s easy to digest and comprehend. He also uses prominent historical figures to illustrate each one, so there’s an added history lesson to enjoy.

Also, even if you’re not one to read a 600-page book from beginning to end, it’s a terrific book to have around for it can, for the most part, be picked up and started from any section.

Next, I will be reading another of his: 48 Laws Of Power and The Art Of Seduction. The latter perhaps helpful if dating is what brought you to my website.

I wish I’d found these books sooner; they’ve helped me tremendously see the world differently and understand humans as a collective soul.

*Affiliate Links. Your purchase price is the same and I receive a small commission. I’m proud of the books I’ve read and how they have helped me learn and grow. I enjoy sharing the wealth. I thank you kindly for your support, Lydia.

Order my book from Amazon: How To Write A Great Online Dating Profile.

Within, you will find my best tips and strategies, including dos and don’ts, before and after examples, and a template to follow. There is also advice on which photos to choose and how to craft email messages. You will also find full written samples and a questionnaire to use for idea generation.

Also: The Mindful Dating Path. I designed this dating journal to help you process thoughts and feelings as they relate to who you are deciding to spend time with. This journal is a mix of guided prompts and plenty of free flow. You may want to view it as a mix of a plain journal and an interactive workbook. The prompts are recurrent based on Date 1, Date 2, Date 3 and more.

If you are someone thinking about trying online dating or giving it another go with a different approach, check out the Packages and Pricing Page and start dating with a great online dating profile.

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